• India's First and the Largest State Electronics Components Manufacturer

Quartz Crystals

Keltron has an unbroken level of experience in quartz crystal (XTAL) manufacturing extending over 40 years. The company maintains a strong engineering team experienced in the design and manufacture of quartz crystal.

Our range includes various types of crystal units from simple watch crystals to high performance crystal resonators for industrial, military and space (ISRO) applications, including high shock and vibration versions that operate over extended operating temperature ranges up to -55°C to 200°C.

We offer a wide range of frequencies from 1 KHz to 125 MHz custom made for frequency transmission, reception and for microprocessor applications. We also have standard products of 32.768 KHz for watches and clocks.

Keltron also maintains extensive stocks of completed product in standard frequencies and specifications, available for immediate dispatch. The dual 'from stock or made-to-order' system ensures a high level of customer service.

Throughout our extensive history, we have continually refined and perfected our products to meet the highest standards of quality and innovation.


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